sewing by hand Basting Stitches

Sewing by Hand – Even Basting, Uneven Basting & Tailor Basting

Sometimes you need some help. And sometimes you just need some temporary help. Help to hold things together until they get the final approval (fitting). Or help to hold things together perfectly lined up (underlining). Or just an extra hand to hold things together without using every pin in your pincushion. The basting stitch is […] Read more…

The Heartache of a Broken Sewing Machine

Suddenly I am alone. Not the kind of alone I chose or even anticipated but the shocking, sudden abandonment that came out of the blue and has left me dazed and a little confused. No, my family and friends are all fine. It’s more personal, that only another sewist, like you, would understand. My fairly […] Read more…

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