Pattern Review: The Trail Tote by Noodlehead for Robert Kaufman

You know that word “free”. So eye-catching. Free patterns are great except when they’re a horribly frustrating waste of your time and fabric. I’ve sworn off free patterns with their unclear instructions, haphazard construction methods and unflattering results. Oh, but this one is different 😉 The Trail Tote pattern by Noodlehead (for Robert Kaufman Fabrics) […] Read more…

What I Learned From Not Buying Fabric

It is the end of my self created, self-imposed, Use-It-Up fabric challenge. I went one year, October 31, 2015 to November 1, 2016, with out buying any fabric. I began the challenge to use up fabric I had. I mean I bought it to use it, right? I never bought fabric intending to never use it. I saw it, […] Read more…

How to Make a Bento Bag

As a kid when I needed to transport small toys out to the back yard, I would place them in the center of a bandanna and tie the opposite corners together. I thought it was the perfect little tote and even used it high school (and beyond) as a purse. The bento bag is a sort […] Read more…

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