How Paper Can Help You See

Cut right angled corners (or strips which can then be taped together at a right angle) from solid tag board or paper wide enough to visually block out the fabric extending beyond the area of focus (the area inside your frame). Mine are two inches wide (5 cm) and that’s probably the minimum width you can have […] Read more…

How to Make a Tree Skirt

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, I decorated your branches but I neglected to cover up your tree stand. Well, to the defense of my laziness the lower branches and the gifts, once wrapped and placed under the tree, hide the mammoth, green, plastic stand pretty well. How did I get so lackadaisical? Years ago I made […] Read more…

Easy and Quick Fabric Gift Bags

I have a love hate relationship with gift wrap. I love the designs, the colors, the way they make the simplest gifts look so good. I don’t like that it can only be used onced and then tossed away. (Yes, same with Kleenex, but Kleenex serves a very useful purpose before it is tossed). Gift bags are slightly better […] Read more…

A New Year to Start Over

It happened; a new year has started for me. Another turn around the sun. And more than a new calendar year, my birthday has always made me wonder how the next year is going to be different from the last. I used to think it all depended on events like moving and people in my life, […] Read more…

Stop Buying. Start sewing.

We’ve all heard jokes about uncontrollable fabric shopping and overflowing fabric stashes. We’ve laughed at them with a knowing cringe for certainly all of us are guilty of buying fabric we didn’t have a need for just because we loved it. And almost as certainly all of us have done it more than once. The […] Read more…

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