fabric stash

What I Learned From Not Buying Fabric

It is the end of my self created, self-imposed, Use-It-Up fabric challenge. I went one year, October 31, 2015 to November 1, 2016, with out buying any fabric. I began the challenge to use up fabric I had. I mean I bought it to use it, right? I never bought fabric intending to never use it. I saw it, […] Read more…

The Use It Up Fabric Challenge Update

It’s been five months since I started my No-New-Fabric-Purchases-For-A-Year challenge. The rule is simple; use as much of the 256 pieces of fabric in my stash. To make all those things I intended to make when I bought the fabric or make something else. It’s time to stop consuming and start creating. So far, I […] Read more…