2017-4-bg-mmm-17-ftI did it. I signed up for this year’s Me Made May. It’s my second time now and I’m uppin’ the ante.

Zoe, the hostess of and genius behind,  Me Made May, says, “Me Made May ’17 is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves to wear and love them more.”

If only all my Me-Mades were created equal I would wear them more and love them more but, let’s face it, not every project turns out how we wanted it to turn out.

So this year, not only will I wear my success but I have pledged to, in the month of May, fix / alter / tailor my failures so that they can be worn. And they’re not just sewing failures but purchasing failures too. Oh yes, I have a few.

You’re encouraged to alter the pledge in a way that is appropriate and challenging for you. I know I can wear one Me-Made every day with very little inconvenience (just have to stay on top of the laundry). I also know I could not wear two Me-Mades every day and leave the house. But I could, and I really should tackle that pile in the sewing room corner that’s been there for half a year and then I would have a lot more to wear.

My Me Made challenge pledge follows.

I hope you join the party. Simply go to Zoe’s blog and sign up. Then, on the morning of May 1st, fling open your closet doors and put on your favorite hand stitched, with love and perfection, garment. You look fabulous!

I, Mary of TheDailySew.com, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May ’17. I will endeavor to wear at least one Me-Made item each day for the duration of May 2017 and fix/alter/tailor the 8 items stacked in my sewing room corner since October 2016 so that they too can be worn.

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